The Shed at Main Street Station

March 24, 2023 â€” The second event of the Engineering and Public Works Roadshow took place at the Main Street Station Train Shed in Richmond, Va. The focus for the event was how engineering and public works professionals can work together to transform and revitalize a public space while preserving its history and cultural significance for the community it serves.

Sen. Tim Kaine delivered remarks that recognized engineering’s essential role in making the train shed possible. He also stated his support for educational and immigration reforms that will empower our industry to retain and attract the professionals we need to fill our ranks.

We were also joined via video message by Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves, Ranking Member Larsen, and Senator Tom Carper, Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. All three echoed the need for bipartisan cooperation to make the infrastructure law a success.

Watch the event: